
RBG-Maxwell is written in python, so the user needs to ensure that the following packages are installed before running the program

import numba   
	----numba is a JIT compiler that can compile python functions into machine code
import math;    
	----math provides a number of mathematical functions for floating point numbers
import cupy;   
	----cupy is an implementation of NumPy-compatible multidimensional arrays on CUDA;
import ray;     
	----Ray is a distributed execution framework;
import random;  
	----random is a standard library that generates random numbers
import numpy;  
	----NumPy is the base package for scientific computing in Python
import os;      
	----os is a module in the Python standard library for accessing operating system functions
import sys;     
	----sys is a module to handle the python runtime environment

To use RBG-Maxwell with JupyterLab, make sure the following file structures.


The structure of the RBG-Maxwell framework can be found at General Structure

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